“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

In the 1980’s there was a classic film that came out called “Ferris Bueluer’s Day Off.” In the movie he decides to go on an adventure with his friends. The movie finds him going to a fine art museum, a fine restaurant and even becoming the star singing in a parade. At the end of the movie, he has a famous quote, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you can miss it.” This quote comes to mind when it comes to our journey of faith.

One of the famous resurrection stories that we reflect on during the Easter season is the story of “The road to Emmaus”. It is my all-time favorite scripture reading found in the 24th chapter of Luke. At first glance, the parting words of Ferris Bueller may not have much to do with the Road to Emmaus, but the underlying lesson about awareness, presence and perspective are all there.

The two disciples were walking away from Jerusalem after the events of Jesus’ trial, conviction and death. They were in shock and overwhelmed by grief, doubt, fear and anxiety. They needed a place to go where they could process all that was happening in their lives. The two find themselves going to Church although they did not understand that at the start. On their journey, they encountered the gift of community. They get to hear the word of God and the promises of the gift of faith. Their hearts are once again set on fire when they encounter Jesus through the breaking of the bread.

Sometimes in our journey of life we need to get a new perspective. Sometimes we need someone to explain something from a new optic so we can see things a little differently. Sometimes we need the gift of community to come and support us in our moments of grief. That is what the gift of community is all about. Life moves very fast, sometimes we need to come together and look up, so we do not miss anything.

I know for me that is what our Sunday Worship is all about; a chance where I can quiet myself and listen to the word of God. To have a chance to hear the scripture proclaimed and broken open in a way that helps me understand; a chance to gather around a table with friends and encounter the Risen Lord at table and being fed by HIS Love.

Sunday worship is a place where I move out of a daily routine and come to a new perspective of how amazing God is in my life. For many of us, these have been some very hard times lately. Like these two disciples, our world has been shaken to the core. Hopefully, we like these disciples, can encounter a new perspective when we come to this community of believers and listen to the word of God come to life. Where we can listen to our Lord patiently telling us all that He has done for us and to be fed by his love.

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