I was shown an article last week entitled “Five Things That You Should Never Say to Your Kids.”  Considering Father’s Day, I thought this might be a great one for me to read.  I was really hoping as I read the article I would never saying any of those things to my own children.  Here is the list that was shared:

  1. “I don’t believe in you.”

Research has shown that knowing that someone (in this case a dad) believes in them gives a child strength, courage, motivation, and a drive that they can try and accomplish many things.  When we take that belief away, the damage is huge.

  1. “You’re such a disappointment.”

Let’s face it, we all mess up and we will continue to do so.  As parents, we want our children to learn from their mistakes and know if they mess up it is not the end of the world.  The label of failure is a heavy load for anyone to carry alone.

  1. Why can’t you be more like your brother or sister?

Each child is unique in their own individual ways. Calling them to be like someone they are not is impossible.  We need to start affirming and encouraging the individual for their own gifts and talents.

  1. Say anything negative about your spouse.

We need to teach our children to always respect and affirm others.  We need to always look for the good.  In a world that seems to be full of negativity, we want to make sure there is a safe zone for our children to know that everyone in this home is respected.

  1. Nothing

So many times, when we don’t speak up or say anything, our children feel unloved.

The article really challenged me to think long and hard about how I am living out my vocation as a father and spouse.  I then looked at how blessed I am to be called a child of God.  For my Heavenly Father has always done what is right for me in my life.

He always believes in us.  It says in scripture that he has carved each of us in the palm of his hand (Is 49:16).  Our Lord is always there to pick us up and to affirm us.  He never stops telling and showing us how much HE loves us.

Although we fail in our own sinfulness, he never says that he is disappointed in us.  He is always there to forgive.  The story of the Prodigal Son in Luke’s gospel shows that he will always run after us and welcome us home.  That unconditional love is something that we need to value in our lives.

Our Lord celebrates our own individuality.  We all have gifts and talents that are pleasing to the Lord.  Never forget that when your talents and gifts work together with others, they can bring miracles to this world.

Our Heavenly Father is always respectful of us.  He loves us so much that you will never see him cut us down, but instead is always affirming with love.

We never have to worry about God not saying anything to us.  He is always trying to communicate his love to us through the WORD and the blessings that surround every one of us every day.

My prayer is that my children will always know that I love them.  As a pastor and friend, I hope that my community and friends know I am always here for them as well.  I also want to make sure that I am giving thankful praise to God each and every day for calling me a child of God.  I love being one of his kids!

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