I have loved watching The Chosen series for many reasons.  Most poignantly, it has brought me to a deeper knowing and understanding of the humanity of Jesus.  Watching him dance, laugh, create little wood objects for the children, tell stories and the countless instances of kindness, compassion and love has moved me episode after episode to tears. Consider this an ad or endorsement if you wish.  Watch it and most importantly, watch with the eyes of your heart.

Season Three was launched last fall with Matt Maher’s new song, The In Between.  It is a prayer song inspired by the episode depicting the transformation of Mary Magdalene.  Both the episode and song are powerful.  For Mary, it was hearing the words echoing from Isaiah 43:1 and now spoken tenderly and directly by Jesus, “I call you by name, you are mine” that made the difference.  From that moment, as portrayed by the creators of The Chosen, all demons flee, and Mary falls into love.  It is a scene that is breath taking and one that inspires further reflection.

Questions arise.  When have I experienced Jesus whispering to me, “Karen – I have named you.  I now call you by name.  You are mine.”? Have I adopted a disposition openness, willingness and surrender as Mary did?  What are the fatal attractions that have their grip on me that stand as obstacles to responding to that tender loving voice that constantly calls me forth?  Where am I right now?  What do I hear?  How am I responding?

We are soon entering Lent and we will be offering a Wednesday night series on change.  The In Between will be our theme for the season and the series.  The lyrics also have has also caused ponder.  “From death to life, from darkness to shine, from fear to peace I can’t explain.  From doubt to hope, holding on and letting go….”  These movements speak of change.  They speak of a transformation of mind, heart, and spirit not to mention a call to action.  Do I have the desire to change?  There is a definitive and resounding YES!  I realize that change is what I want and need.  Yet it takes courage and single-minded purpose to accept the invitation toward conversion and strength to truly live as Christ lived.

I sense that choosing change, choosing transformation and choosing conversion is a choice toward freedom and life.  The Chosen boldly portrays Jesus as fully human and fully alive.  I hunger to enter his life and his heart – both human and divine. I yearn to imitate his joy that flows from his Abba who is knows so truly and intimately.  Maher says , “This is my song”.  Is it yours? Amen.  Let it be so.

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