Weekly Reflections2024-03-02T18:39:28-07:00

The Importance of Prayer in the Life of a Christian

Prayer is the heartbeat of a Christian’s relationship with God. It is not merely spiritual exercise or a ritual; it is a direct communication with the Creator. Spending time in prayer is essential for Christians because it deepens our connection with God, shapes our character, and empowers us to live out our faith. Prayer Builds Relationship with God Just as any relationship grows through communication, our relationship with God strengthens when we spend time in prayer. Jesus, who often withdrew

October 21st, 2024|

Jody Serey’s Reflection

October 14th, 2024|

Now More Than Ever, Kindness Matters It is no secret that we are nearing a crescendo of years of political divisiveness. In just a matter of weeks, the 2024 presidential election will declare a president. Regardless of who is the “winner” of one of the most negative campaigns in modern history, half of the country’s population will be unhappy. An equal amount of anxiety will stack up against whatever joy is being felt by others. It doesn’t matter whose

Pastor Mark Dippre’s Reflection

October 7th, 2024|

I Will Praise You in the Storm This week I left some friends going through some difficult health issues. They just received word that there would be another delay before a much need operation could take place. As we sat a talked, I listened and heard the frustration and grief. I found myself overwhelmed with the desire to fix something that was out of my control. I was wishing for a healing to take place, and that life could

Kerry Pardue’s Reflection

July 1st, 2024|

Happy 4th of July!!! Happy Birthday America!!! Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved the 4th of July...I mean the hot dogs, soda pop, hamburgers, day at the beach, were okay but I just loved blowing things up...I found that I could not wait until it got night, and the fireworks show would begin.  From that very first shell that would go up and explode and paint the night sky and fill the heavens with the beautiful

Fr. Dale Fushek’s Reflection

June 24th, 2024|

Summers Have Changed When I was a kid, growing up in Phoenix, I loved summers. Although it was hot, the weather never seemed to bother us.  Summer started in June and ended after Labor Day.  Our days were filled with TV, play, Totino’s frozen pizzas, and swimming.  It was a good life! Summers changed for two reasons.  One, I got older.  And two, schools now go year-round.  Summer is not the same. Now, for me, and many of you, summer

Kerry Pardue’s Reflection

June 17th, 2024|

God, how do I find your will for my life? How come I still listen to the wrong voice and make stupid mistakes? We live in a world with many voices seeking our attention. With all the breaking news, tweets, blogs, podcasts, and compelling advice from Alexa, Siri, Google, and others; we can find it difficult to know which voices to trust. Sometimes we crowdsource guidance in our lives, thinking the majority will provide the best source of truth. Other

Deacon Fred Pratt’s Reflection

June 10th, 2024|

Fatherhood Fatherhood.  Fathers have changed over the generations. With each new generation fathers have learned to be more present and more confident to display emotions unlike our fathers and grandfathers. My father never told me or his grandkids that he loved us. We knew he did by his actions.  My father-in-law on the other hand, told my son into his twenties, every day that he loved him and kissed him goodnight before bedtime.  This is the father and grandfather

Pastor Mark Dippre’s Reflection

June 3rd, 2024|

I am giving you a new commandment:  Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:34) This past week I have received calls from many friends and family who are part of this community who are going through some exceedingly challenging times. I have some good friends who just found out they are going to be battling cancer. I

Jody Serey’s Reflection

May 27th, 2024|

Go, Team! (A True Story) In the days that high school homecoming floats depended on chicken wire, paper napkins and crepe paper, and a dad’s garage to stage construction – I was on the float committee for my class. I got pulled into the project by a classmate who convinced me it would be fun, and by the prospect of seeing more of my friends and less of my books. I even got clearance from my mother to drive

Deb Smith’s Reflection

May 20th, 2024|

This year started with a first for me.  I had my first surgery ever. For years I nursed along a fully arthritic knee and on January 11 I had a total knee replacement.  I had prayed for a long time I would know when the time was right and that God would give me total peace. I was pleased the morning of the surgery that I didn’t run the other way.  I was packed and ready to go.  Paul

Rosemary Sambora’s Reflection

May 13th, 2024|

There but for the grace of God go I. We’ve heard this saying countless times. What is God’s grace? In a theological context, according to dictionary.com, it’s the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.  I recently took time to reflect on how There but for the grace of God go I can be said in a spirit of love and gratitude. For example, when I know of someone going through a physical struggle, and I think that I

Priscilla Bertoglio’s Reflection

May 6th, 2024|

Motherhood Motherhood.  Youth and beauty fade, friendships may fall by the wayside, but a mother’s love is unconditional and outlives them all. Motherhood is a choice one makes to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own. It is the purest, most rewarding kind of love that exists.  Motherhood is a gift from God whether you are a birth mother or a mother figure. There was a time many years ago that I thought I would not

Helen Dippre’s Reflection

April 29th, 2024|

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself less.” ― C. S. Lewis When I was a young adult, I began the journey of trying to understand humility. As my heart longed to know Jesus, the Holy Spirit guided me to the practice of prayer. What would lead me to seek the virtue of humility? The other virtues, compassion, kindness, gentleness and patience all seemed natural, but humility intrigued me. Humility is a special virtue that

Jody Serey’s Reflection

April 22nd, 2024|

Old Age Isn’t for Sissies My mother had a magnet on her refrigerator that somebody had given her when she turned 60. It was a little rocking chair with the words printed on it, “Old age isn’t for sissies.” She kept it on the front of the refrigerator door to hold her groceries list, and the various receipts and reminders that punctuated her life in Indiana. I hated the magnet because I thought it implied that my mother was

Tami Heinl’s Reflection

April 15th, 2024|

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; and in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6 This is one of my favorite bible verses. Doesn’t it just roll off the tongue speaking comfort and confidence into His plan for us?  I went to a conference a few months ago and my favorite speaker, Megan Marshman, broke this verse down and it brought me

Kerry Pardue’s Reflection

April 8th, 2024|

The Shoes The shoes were cheap and worn.  They were light beige and scuffed, strappy and open, with very tall heels.  They were the kind of shoes that a woman would wear to make her legs look extra-long and noticeable.  The kind of shoes that a woman would wear to attract attention, usually men, often for money.  But there was no woman. Only the shoes, left lying there, discarded in a heap, in a corner behind an ice machine,

Pastor Mark Dippre’s Reflection

April 1st, 2024|

An Easter Reflection We all know that there are major milestones in our lives. Those events are so profound that they help us identify who we are and how we arrived at the place we are right now. These milestones include being born, our first words, learning to walk, the first day of school, our first friend, first kiss and falling in love, just to name a few. As a parent of two who are about to graduate from

Fr. Dale Fushek’s Reflection

March 25th, 2024|

Holy Week is the most sacred week of the year for us as Christians.  It is the time when we remember the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  Through the celebration of Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter we are invited to enter into the life of Christ on a deeper level.  We are called to die with him, so we can rise with him to new life. Over the years I have had many people ask where the traditions

Deacon Dennis Paschke’s Reflection

March 18th, 2024|

For Those That Have Eyes To See… I have prayed often over the years to know God’s Presence in my life. After studying the Bible for many years, even in different languages, I know that knowledge about God is important and necessary, but knowledge alone about someone is not the same as the experience of their presence. Relationship is about lived experience of the other in our life. This seems obvious but often it is so allusive. When we have

Fr. Mike Lessard’s Reflection

March 11th, 2024|

The Gospel reading from John 2:13-22 is about Jesus clearing the Temple of all the clutter of business-as-usual filling up the sacred space that should be kept free from the marketplace.  Jesus is zealous.  He turns over the whole sacrificial pretense of placating God’s wrath and making His House fit our lifestyle with the marketplace of low expectations. Jesus is still zealous for you and me.  Through His suffering death and resurrection His love is poured out to us so

Jody Serey’s Reflection

March 4th, 2024|

When ‘Snarky’ Becomes Bullying Many of us had childhoods guided by the wisdom of Thumper, who famously said, “If you can’t say something nice, don‘t say nothing at all.” (Bambi, 1942, Walt Disney Productions) However, when youthful behaviors needed modifying, others of us had Proverbs 15:4 quoted to us, probably by mothers tired of kids quarreling with each other: “The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.” (I will admit that in

Deacon Chuck Monroe’s Reflection

February 26th, 2024|

The Greatest Commandment Mark 12:30, says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”   Last week I had an epiphany regarding this greatest commandment. I was participating in my weekly bible study and in a video, we were watching, the speaker talked about loving the Lord with all your mind. I have spent more time thinking about loving the Lord with my heart

Kerry Pardue’s Reflection

February 19th, 2024|

Driving in the Fog I suspect if I had been walking through it, I would have found it rather beautiful.  Perhaps if I had stopped and stood quite still out in the midst of it, I could have seen its veiled shapes and outlines, watched it move about, heard its secrets, smelled the scent of things hidden in its pockets.  I might even have seen others seeking their way as well.  But I was driving a car, and it

Gayle Lagman-Creswick’s Reflection

February 12th, 2024|

The Miracle of... As I reflect over my long life, I feel especially blessed to have witnessed at least two miracles… the miracle of life and the miracle of death! At age 16, I got a job at our small rural hospital as a nurse’s aide with on-the-job training.  They taught me how to take care of an infant after birth; however, I had not yet seen a baby be born.  Finally, a birth was happening on my shift. 

April Thalman’s Reflection

February 5th, 2024|

It never ceases to amaze me how different we are as human beings. My first realization came when I was grieving the loss of my first husband.  Other widows would approach me and share how they got through it, mostly.  Then there were humorous statements like, “Your husband can’t die, you love him too much”.  Isn’t that a wonderful illusion to think that love can keep your loved one alive?  And then there was a lady in my exercise

Deacon Peter Klemens’ Reflection

January 29th, 2024|

I always wanted God to show Himself in a blaze of glory, yet as I grow older God is in the little things or moments.  My last reflection contained observations made while on a remote outing.  All the smaller rocks were rounded off and one would think “Why bother with little rocks”?  Yet how did they get here?  Well, down the hill from my vantage point is a large dry river bed.  Or is it?  It is probably a result

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