We are in uncomfortable times. I think it is especially hard on us because we treat comfort as a god. Everything about our society speaks of being comfortable and not experiencing pain or discomfort. We do not like anything that makes us feel like we are not in control. Inconvenience is something we “avoid like the plague.” And yet, here we are today, in 2020, with our modern medicine and technology, incredibly inconvenienced, very uncomfortable, and feeling fearful because our world seems out of control.

here are many times in history that humankind has felt out of control. The ten plagues in the time of Moses must have been awful. The Nile River turning from water into blood, hail and fire coming down out of the sky, and people becoming covered with boils were the issues back then. In the 1300’s the world experienced the Black Death plague. Estimates say between 75 million and 200 million people died. Those are amazing numbers. And, in Italy and France in the 17th century, the Bubonic Plague killed millions of people and struck fear into every heart.

In perspective, the Coronavirus seems small. Even with social media and technology letting us see what is happening to others around the country and around the world, this current virus isn’t as epic as past plagues have been. Yet, we cannot ignore it or down-play it. It is affecting every aspect of our lives.

As spiritual people, what can we learn from this current virus scare? The answer is…there are many things we can learn. Here is a list of some:

1) That we have never been in control and this whole time we have been living an illusion.

2) That God was and is in control. He was in control with the biblical plagues, the Black Death, and Bubonic crisis.

3) That God, who didn’t cause the coronavirus, can use it to help us to change our lives and our hearts.

4) That we are more connected than we think we are and because of it, we can do what we were created to do and help each other.

5) That prayer is needed, if for no other reason, it reminds us that we need to surrender to God.

In a few weeks, the urgency of this chaotic virus will pass. In a few months we will begin the process of putting life back together and getting rid of all of the things that seem so inconvenient today. I hope and pray, that as we move forward, we will never forget the lessons of this current situation. I pray that our young people, especially the millennials, will learn that inconvenience is simply part of life and is a good reminder that we are not yet in heaven. I pray we will remind ourselves to stay connected and take care of each other. And, I pray, in the long run, God will take the darkness of this moment and turn it into a resurrection.

My hope right now is that we will be able to gather to celebrate Easter together in less than a month. It would be a sweet sound to have us shout “Alleluia” in the midst of all this chaos.

But, even if it doesn’t happen right away or on our time frame, as Christians we know and believe that any day and every day can be Easter. Jesus can overcome death, sickness, selfishness, hatred, anger any day. And whenever or wherever it happens, that day will be Easter for me.

Much love,
Fr. Dale

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